Nutri-Dynamics specializes in the development, production, packaging, and distribution of private-label nutritional supplements. Collaborating closely with the customer, Nutri-Dynamics determines the desired product composition to ensure that all ingredients are added in the right concentrations and absorption forms.
Starting as a trading company in 2011, Nutri-Dynamics has grown into a production company that regulates the entire process. From powders to capsules and tablets, Nutri-Dynamics produces what is needed for customized diet and health products.
Just under two years ago, Nutri-Dynamics began planning to merge operations from four different locations to one large production site in Alkmaar. At the same time, Nutri-Dynamics started looking for partners capable of supplying the right machinery for the new facility.
Sam Dimassi, owner of Nutri-Dynamics, says, “As a completely new building was being developed, we had the opportunity to redesign everything. We reviewed the processes at the old locations and went back to the drawing board. Having Dinnissen involved from the development phase of the building and production line allowed their experts to think along about the most efficient and smart layout of the production line.”
Dinnissen did not just supply a machine, but looked at the bigger picture together with Nutri-Dynamics and other companies involved. The installation was designed considering:
Dinnissen contributed insights on the placement of the mixing installation in the space, how all required powders reach the mixer, and the method by which the product moves from the mixer towards the filling line.
Read the whole customer story on our website.