Poeth realizes 60 m3/hour seed mixing line for Joordens Zaden. John Smolenaars, General Manager Joordens, says: “A few years ago we contacted several companies to think about a new high capacity mixing line. Already 45 years ago Poeth built our first mixing line so the company is not unknown to us.
Poeth quickly came up with a well thought-out concept and quickly understood what the idea was. They already work regularly for various seed products and were already familiar with important principles.
Poeth Solids Processing managed to make it fit with the limited available height and foothprint.
Furthermore, we already knew that when Poeth gets the order you will build this project together and also be really involved in essential details without being continuously confronted with additional work. I think that Poeth distinguishes itself here from many other companies, who find it difficult to / want to deviate from the standard. Almost the entire project was engineered and produced in-house. They have a very large database of solutions that have been used in a wide variety of industries. This occasionally leads you to interesting ideas that we are not familiar with in our seed world, such as high frequency screening.
The 2 m3 wooden boxes can be tilted automatically by means of two box tilters. Because the tilters are designed and produced in-house at Poeth, various details could be adapted as desired. Details regarding residual solids are very important in our world of seed producers, explains John Smolenaars (general manager Joordens).
Two high-speed hoists provide automated feeding of big-bags. The forklift driver can open the fast door from the forklift. If the hoist is still in a high position, the speed door cannot be opened for safety reasons. After the new big-bag is attached to the lifting yoke, and the operator is outside the lifting area again, the door can be closed again.
By pressing a button, the big-bag can be transported to the unloading station fully automatically. The unloading station is equipped with a lifting yoke on which the big-bag is unloaded. The challenge in this project was the great diversity of big-bags but also the bulk weight. The seeds with a low bulk weight are difficult to cut into pieces. In the preliminary phase, several tests were carried out and finally, only after three improved prototypes, the final design for both unloading stations was applied. Restlessness was also a very important starting point. The unloading stations and controls have already been prepared to be fitted with additional bag pushers, but so far this has proved unnecessary.
In certain mixtures, smaller percentage components are added. This takes place via a container unloading station.
Three belt weighers were deployed to measure the weight transported on the conveyor belts. Product weight is determined by weighing the belt load and measuring the belt speed. 1-2 % within 25-100% of max. capacity
In most applications, the belt speed is constant while the feed to the belt weigher is controlled. In some applications where bulk density and product capacity vary significantly, frequency control is provided.
The scale is built around a high-precision roller with 2 force transducers.
This weighing solution ensures optimum stability, accuracy.
To achieve the best possible weighing accuracy and linearity, the belt is equipped with a high-pulse frequency speed sensor.
The speed is continuously monitored which in turn transmits a signal for every millimeter of belt travel.
The conveyor belt is equipped with a plow-shaped scraper on the inside. The scraper ensures that material stuck to the belt is removed so that it does not affect the weighing result.
The three weigh belts then unload on a belt elevator. The belt elevator is equipped with a slide for rest layering, to recipe change. No special mixer is provided, the streams come together simultaneously are mixed more than accurately enough. We knew that from experience, according to Smolenaars
Fine dust is sieved using a Poeth high-frequency sieving machine. The prerequisite was that the screening deck was quick and easy to exchange. There are many screening machines in the market that offer that, but at 60 m3/hour that supply is very limited. Tests were carried out beforehand in the Poeth test hall where a fixed test rig is ready. By means of Z-Conveyor in C execution, even an endurance test of several days could be carried out, in order to really test the capacity in the long term.
The machine was developed by Poeth for a customer in the Petfood industry, who had to change sieve decks very frequently. This Poeth sieving machine was unknown in our seed world.
After the sifter comes the Symach bagging installation, which was selected and ordered by Joordens.
About Joordens Zaden
Joordens Zaden in Kessel was founded in 1921. The family business was incorporated in 1993 by the French seed company RAGT, but still has a lot of freedom to sail its own course. Over the past century, Joordens Zaden has developed into a company active in more than forty countries. Joordens Zaden has specialized in forage and green manure crops. End users can achieve many advantages by using green manures. For example, they can make substantial savings on fertilizers and greatly reduce the use of pesticides because the resistant varieties developed at their own R&D can combat pathogens. Among other things, research is conducted here that leads to crops that are resistant to harmful nematodes and soil fungi There is also frequent cooperation with universities around the world in this regard.The company also benefits from the research activities of parent company RAGT
Both Joordens and Poeth were founded in 1921.