C-Conveyor ideal when adding additional process step

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30 May 2024
Z-Conveyor in C version
Z-Conveyor in C version | Photo: Poeth
Article image of: C-Conveyor ideal when adding additional process step
Z-Conveyor in C version | Photo: Poeth
Article image of: C-Conveyor ideal when adding additional process step
Z-Conveyor in C version | Photo: Poeth

There is often a desire to add another process step in existing situations. One can think of adding:

  • a thermal process
  • a colour sorter
  • a NIR sorter
  • a metal detector,
  • an extra sieving step

When there is not enough height available, this extra step has to be provided next to it, and thus the product has to be transported upwards again.

The Z-Conveyor in C version is ideal for this. The application range is very wide, from fine powder products such as graphite, carbon black, to coffee beans that need to be transported break free. A test stand is available for testing this wide range of products.

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Poeth BV

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