The group AVT has recently delivered a 10T wheel transporter to a German customer. The transporter will move 3 Bag Filling Stations under 12 Silos.
This transporter is again a nice example of a transport system which is completely designed and produced `in house`.
The wheel transporter consists of a quality steel tubular frame realized in two parts for easy shipment and which includes a series of supporting plates for connecting the machinery on the top.
The transporter features some nice 4 heavy duty swivel wheels (retractable during the bags filling phase), 4 compact traction wheels (2 mounted in X end 2 in Y direction for omnidirectional movements) with ‘AC’ drive motors and proportional speed via frequency inverters, radio control, telescopic electrical box (for easy accessibility) and removable pneumatic box, 4x end-stops and flash lights to each corner of the transporter.