The purpose of the materiallografic (metallographic) sample preparation is a scratch free and undistorted surface that reveals the micro-compounds in the sample.
So far, the grinding and polishing steps and the used extensive methods have specific requirements in order to get to a meaningful result.
Until now, the automation of these processes was only useful for very large sample numbers. In general, it is possible to save time and space for the final analysis by avoiding annoying waiting times during the grinding and polishing and the manual replacement of the grinding media, by the use of an automatic system; documented and programmable repetitive steps can be recalled at any time, possibly even over an ethernet networkconnection.
At the top of the wish lists of many customers of ATM GmbH the Saphir X-Change Grinding & Polishing Robot surprised with lots of high-tech features on a minimal footprint.
This compact grinding and polishing machine can make multiple steps, from automated exchange of the grinding media over the washingsteps with water, alcohol and ultrasound, down to the automated dosing of the pollishing media.
The grinding foils are taken automaticaly from a 16 position-store and mouted on the water cooled turntable. The sample holder can be placed quickly and easily. The whole process is easily adjustable in a userfriendliy programm, assuring accuracy and repeatability.