Hosokawa Micron BV

About Hosokawa Micron BV

Hosokawa Micron B.V. is an expert in the design, manufacture and supply of powder processing systems and equipment for the mechanical and thermal processing of dry and wet powders.

As part of the Hosokawa Group, the company is specialized in mixing, drying and agglomeration technologies.

Hosokawa Micron B.V. is located in Doetinchem, the Netherlands, with extensive facilities for R&D, testing, manufacturing, toll processing and service.

Core business:
Engineering, design, supply and technical service of systems and complete plants for (high shear) mixing, drying, granulating, grinding, classifying, filling and weighing of powders and combinations of these processes.

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Mill dryers


Agglomeration systems (continuous)


Mills, classifiers and compactors


Conical mixers and dryers (batch and continuous)

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