Tthe world`s smallest, lightest and most affordable material identification

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Last modified: 8 May 2023

RAPID.ID™ is a palm-sized, lightweight Raman spectrometer that performs non-destructive identification of chemicals and materials in real time, whenever, wherever testing is needed. RAPID.ID is easy to learn and use, making it the ideal system for non-technical personnel. By eliminating the expense and wait time associated with sending samples to a laboratory for testing, RAPID.ID is also the cost-effective choice. By comparing the Raman spectra of a sample against that of the chemicals and materials stored in its reference library, RAPID.ID collects and identifies the make-up of samples and results appear in seconds on its highly visible LED display. RAPID.ID connects via USB to a PC for further sample analysis. RAPID.ID is used for QA/QC applications in the chemicals, consumer products, medical devices, pharmaceuticals and plastics industries.

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Inventech Benelux BV

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