Technisch Bureau Heck represents EUBA in Belgium

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Last modified: 8 May 2023

We are glad to inform you about the expanding of our cooperation with EUBA-Antriebstechnik Eller GmbH. Since 1999 we represent the company Euba in the Netherlands and from now also in Belgium.

Electric lineair actuators for the most demanding circumstances. Energy economical and environmental safe. The base concept of this actuators is approved for the heavy industry, such as steel plants, powerplants, cement plants, water supply and distribution.

Standard with overload protection. Actuators also can be equipped with, adjustable limit switches, position controller, brake motor and manual connection.
Standard with a strength from 50 daN up till 200.000 daN, maximum stroke up to 7.000 mm and a velocity of 180 mm/s.

For your inquiry, of new actuators, spare parts, service or revision after cost review.

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Heck B.V.

HECK is specialized in materials handling. We therefore do projects, deliver approved equipment and respresent a number of well-established firms. Beside our own products, scarifying strips, airslides and loading spouts,... Read more