Ever increasing cost of materials and growing stringent environmental regulations on food safety standards, consistent quality and track & traceability requirements, insist that the processing industry pays more attention to quality conformity.
The basic and most reliable measuring method to warrant all of the above is still defined by weight. Weight determination, from a chemical perspective essentially means counting molecules. Each type of molecule has its own intrinsic mass; therefore, it does not matter whether the product is a liquid, a solid mass, granules a powder or a gas, a kilogram will always be a kilogram irrespective of the substance.
By weighing a number of aggravating factors such as temperature (expansion/shrinking), compressibility, and changes in density and/or aeration are eliminated and have no effect or influence on preparing mixtures, filling packages or charging and discharging bulk material – the weight always reflects true data.
To keep process automation lean and eliminate expensive production errors, Powerforce LLC, Rockford, Tennessee (USA), continuously evaluates its products and services in the best interest of its customers. This has led the company to reach out across the Atlantic to PENKO Engineering B.V., a Dutch company specialized in the development and manufacture of weighing process automation controls.
Specialized in the control of fast processes, suppressing dynamic effects of weighing mechanics and objects in motion, all instruments are manufactured in accordance with the standards of the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) recommendations.
Powerforce and PENKO form a complimentary alliance where highly accurate, fast and reliable product quality is combined with a distribution network reaching out across a number of states in the US. http://powerforceusa.com/ or www.penko.com.
PENKO Engineering B.V. is a wholly owned subsidiary of ETC Inc., Middleton WI, USA.