Poeth has developed a new generation of big bag fillers with greatly improved ergonomics:
– tiltable filling head
– movable hooks
– automatic release of big bag loops
– automatic buttoning of filling trunk
– automatic stacking of big bags
Tiltable filling head
By making the filling head tiltable, it is much more accessible for the operator. Certainly with high capacities (> 20 big bags per hour) this can prevent back complaints.
Movable hooks
The loops of the big bag must be hung on hooks. The rear hooks are often difficult to reach. By making the hooks mobile, they slide forward so that the loops can be easily attached. This also prevents unnecessary back pain.
Automatic release of big bag loops
After filling, the loops are automatically disconnected. The system is also suitable for a very wide range of big-bag dimensions, without manually moving the suspension hooks.
The system can be further equipped with options such as:
– vibration system (to obtain a stable big-bag)
– roller conveyor
– automatic height adjustment of the head or roller conveyor.
The system has a flat plate on the top, so that the underlying components are not unnecessarily dirty by environmental dust. The platform is flat and very easy to clean with minimal cracks and seams.
The vibrating platform is also completely flat at the top, which makes cleaning easy
Weighing system
The system can be supplied with a net or gross weighing system suitable for certified weighing (necessary for filling according to trade purposes)