Matam bv is the specialist in construction of bagging lines and palletizers. All completely designed and build in house. Strong in service and maintenance.
Currently MATAM is busy bilding the filling line and en palletizer for flour and cereal flakes for Schalmühle Gebr. Kümmel + Co from Vetschau (East Germany). The Matam mdb 400 bag filling machine consists of a gross weighing system with two different dosing units; one for flour and one for vereal flakes. The paper bags are closed to fold opening and to tape against the side of the bag.
The plant has a capacity of 10 tons/hour based on 25 kg bags. The desired final weights have a range from 5 to 25 kg. The weighing accuracy is within 99% of the production and fully complies with the MID Guidelines (Measuring Instruments Directive)
Tha MATAM 600 palletizer is a toploader whichstacks the filled bags overlapping and presses per layer. By a touch screen the stacking pattern for each type of bag handling can be freely adjusted.