Six years after the commissioning of its first Samson® Feeder, Knauf has placed an order with Aumund fördertechnik for a second conveyor for its plant in Immingham, Lincolnshire, England. The 100 t/h Samson® Feeder to be supplied in October 2017 has a centre distance of
11.7 m. Knauf is extending an existing raw materials reception area, where products arriving by truck are transferred directly by the Samson® to an ongoing conveyor to the production facility. Knauf is a world leader in manufacturing of modern insulation materials, drywall gypsum boards, plasters and accessories, as well as building machinery and tools. The Knauf Group is among the big players in the market with 220 production facilities in more than 80 countries, generating a turnover of around €6.4bn in 2014.