J-Tec builds baby food blending in Indonesia

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Last modified: 8 May 2023

Since the startup of J-Tec Thailand they’ve managed to successfully multiply their business opportunities in the Asian region. The demand for high quality installations built and engineered according to European standards continuous to grow as the guaranteed efficiency, cleanability and safety is of the highest level. Recently an international key player in the baby food business chose J-Tec for the execution of a gravity designed blending installation in one of their production plants in Indonesia.

The vertical blending tower mainly consists of 4 different levels:

On the upper level different ingredients are delivered in small bags and are pre-weighed. The bags are dumped into two separate bag dumping units. One dedicated for discharging the main ingredients and one dedicated for handling the minor ingredients. Before the ingredients are able to enter the production process, a procedure requires the operator to scan every bag. This prevents the chance on human caused errors and allows full traceability of the products handled in the process. The bag dumping station for discharging the minor ingredients is equipped with a weighing system for accurate dosing into the blender below.

The heart of the production process is located at the blending level. In order to attain a perfect homogenous mixture a double shaft paddle mixer is installed. The blender is equipped with a weighing system that verifies if the discharged amount is correct. Another advantage of the blender is the short blending time, allowing the customer to reach their predefined production target. In addition, product degradation due breakage is avoided. Two large bottom doors allow the mixture to be discharged in no time in an underneath hopper, reducing the batch time once more.

It goes without saying that a baby food mixture has to be absolutely free of contamination before being packed. In order to exclude any form of contamination J-Tec designed a combined sieve and rotating magnetic system according to the latest hygienic standards. The design is made easily accessible and quickly dismountable for easily inspecting and cleaning the most critical points in the installation. The stainless steel screen gauze, used in the sieve, is designed in such a way that in case of breakage no particles will find their way into the product flow. In addition, the screen is easily replaceable. A pneumatically controlled pivoting lift makes it possible to remove the lid of the sieve without requesting manpower or the use of tools. These additional features make this solution not only hygienic, but also seriously improve the workability and the ergonomic aspects.

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J-Tec Material Handling

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