Bomatech, located in Wijk en Aalburg, the Netherlands, developed a vibrating sieve wherewith at the same time to large as well to small particles can be removed from the product flow.
Special about this machine is that the double deck screens can be adjusted independently of each other in orifice so both, the size of the product by the upper deck as well the fineness of the product at the lower deck, can be accurately set the sizes of the passing product.
For adjusting the orifice a specific mechanism is developed which is powered with electrical motors. This makes it possible to adjust the settings during operation of the machine.
If desired, the machine can be provided with magnetic rulers so remote control of the orifice is possible.
The sieve machine is available in different capacities and can be delivered both in steel as in stainless steel.
For international trading the company and PRES International are co-operating so the machine is also within delivery possibilities of Pres International.