Bulk materials behaving badly
If you are experiencing handling issues with your particulate materials, one or more of our February short courses could help you find out why and how to resolve them.
Issues such as segregation, caking /lumping, particle damage and irregular discharge / flow stoppages are all covered in at least one of the following courses:
Measurement of the Properties and Bulk Behaviour of Particulate Materials; 4 February 2020
You will learn about a chosen selection from the following topics:
•Particle size measurement techniques
•Particle Density (solid and bulk)
•Flow property measurements
•Moisture uptake
•Propensity for Segregation/de-blending
•Degradation/friability of bulk through handling systems
•Caking/agglomeration of bulk materials in storage
•Pneumatic conveying properties
•Dustiness testing
By the end of the course you will have gained an understanding of the range of measurement techniques available to deal with unruly materials.
Undesired de-blending and Separation in Processes; 5 February 2020
The issue of de-blending (segregation) of powders and particulate materials often leads to the generation of waste as variable quality end products are produced. The course will look at the different types of segregation that can occur (such as air-induced, rolling, surface effect, percolation) and will identify the most common segregation mechanisms whilst suggesting techniques to be applied to minimise these effects.
Electrostatics in Powder Handling; 12 February 2020
Electrostatic charges generated during industrial powder handling processes may give rise to unwanted particle cohesion or adhesion, which in turn results in difficulties such as particle agglomeration, segregation, material build-up on equipment and ignition of explosion, etc. Its impact is felt in terms of lower production yields and increased process downtime, or high risks to safety in manufacture.
This course helps delegates understand why these charges occur, the effects on the bulk materials and how to control the risks.
Dust Control for Processes; 19 February 2020
This course emphasises the practical aspects of technology by discussing
•the need for characterisation of particulates through different methods for specified outcomes,
•the handling of materials and the importance of vessel geometry in determining material flow through the equipment
•the importance of dust control, how to prevent or control it using different methods of capture or extraction
•and finally, by looking at the responsibilities of users and handlers of these materials.
All courses are designed to suit the needs of engineers, whether in the pharmaceutical, food processing, chemical, minerals, power generation or recycling industries; in fact anyone involved in the handling of bulk solid materials or the flow of powders will benefit, as will designers of equipment used in this industry
You don`t need advanced qualifications – a basic technical education and/or industry experience is enough.
Course fees are £520 for one day, £825 for 2 days, £1260 for 3 days or £1500 for attendance on all 4 courses in February. Discounts are also given for multiple registrations and repeat attendances on any courses through the year.
Gain back control of your bulk materials – book now
Courses are delivered in English