Slide Gates, Diverter Valves, Iris Valves, and Loading Spouts for the Dry Bulk and Solids Industries
Ideal for handling dry bulk material in gravity flow, dilute phase or dense phase pneumatic conveying applications. Vortex slide gates and diverters are designed and engineered with two main principals in mind: 1. extend the service life of the valve and 2. perform maintenance without taking the valve out of line.
Vortex serves many industries. Some of the industries that use the Vortex products include but not limited to: Agriculture, Chemical, Coffee, Dairy, Foods, Milling, Pet Food, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Plastics, Rubber, Textiles, Tobacco, Rock and Sand, Alumina, Bauxite, Cement, Clinker, Coal, Fly Ash, Glass Cullet and Lime/Limestone – to name a few.
Quantum Series = powder, pellets, and granules
Titan Series = aggregates, clinker, coal, frac sand, fly ash, gravel, sand and whole grains
Slide Gates, Diverters, Loading Spouts, Iris Valves & Custom Dry Bulk Handling Solutions.
Slide Gates, Diverters, Loading Spouts, Iris Valves & Custom Dry Bulk Handling Solutions.