Indutrade Benelux B.V.

About Indutrade Benelux B.V.

Indutrade Benelux is the holding company of the Benelux-based companies of the listed Swedish company Indutrade AB. The Indutrade companies supply the market with technical components and systems, while also carrying out service activities. We focus on high-grade technologies for industrial niche applications. The group is organised into four divisions:

Engineering & Equipment
Flow Technology
Industrial Components
Special Products

Our objective is to grow into a leading technical sales organisation in North Europe: a leader not only in sales and profitability, but also in technical expertise. To achieve this, the Indutrade organisation has a strongly decentralised structure. Our companies each have their own identity and vision. This freedom forms the inspirational source for the entrepreneurial spirit within our organisation, allowing us to deliver an optimal service to our customers. The parent company Indutrade Benelux offers support in the fi

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